Международные коды аэропортов от GA до GZ

Международные авиационные коды аэропортов по классификации организаций ИАТА (IATA) и ИКАО (ICAO). Данные коды используются в гражданской авиации во многих случаях и их можно встретить в авиабилетах, расписаниях авиарейсов, на посадочных талонах и багажных бирках, а также на информационных табло в аэропортах. Например, можно встретить обозначение такого формата: «Код аэропорта отправления — Код аэропорта назначения».

Код IATA Код ICAO Название аэропорта Расположение
GAA Guamal Airport Guamal, Colombia
GAB KGAB Gabbs Airport Gabbs, Nevada, United States
GAC MHGS Gracias Airport Gracias, Honduras
GAD KGAD Northeast Alabama Regional Airport Gadsden, Alabama, United States
GAE DTTG Gabès — Matmata International Airport Gabès, Tunisia
GAF DTTF Gafsa — Ksar International Airport Gafsa, Tunisia
GAG KGAG Gage Airport Gage, Oklahoma, United States
GAH YGAY Gayndah Airport Gayndah, Queensland, Australia
GAI KGAI Montgomery County Airpark Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States
GAJ RJSC Yamagata Airport (Junmachi Airport) Yamagata, Honshu, Japan
GAL PAGA Edward G. Pitka Sr. Airport Galena, Alaska, United States
GAM PAGM Gambell Airport Gambell, Alaska, United States
GAN VRMG Gan International Airport Gan Island, Addu Atoll, Maldives
GAO MUGT Mariana Grajales Airport Guantánamo, Cuba
GAP AYGP Gusap Airport Gusap, Papua New Guinea
GAQ GAGO Gao International Airport (Korogoussou Airport) Gao, Mali
GAR AYGI Garaina Airport Garaina, Papua New Guinea
GAS HKGA Garissa Airport Garissa, Kenya
GAT LFNA Gap-Tallard Airport Gap, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France
GAU VEGT Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport Guwahati, Assam, India
GAV Gag Island Airport Gag Island, Indonesia
GAW VYGG Gangaw Airport Gangaw, Myanmar
GAX Gamba Airport Gamba, Gabon
GAY VEGY Gaya Airport (Bodhgaya Airport) Gaya, Bihar, India
GAZ Guasopa Airport Guasopa, Papua New Guinea
GBA EGBP Cotswold Airport Kemble, England, United Kingdom
GBB UBBQ Qabala International Airport Qabala, Azerbaijan
GBC AYGS Gasuke Airport Gasuke, Papua New Guinea
GBD KGBD Great Bend Municipal Airport Great Bend, Kansas, United States
GBE FBSK Sir Seretse Khama International Airport Gaborone, Botswana
GBF AYNE Negarbo Airport Negarbo, Papua New Guinea
GBG KGBG Galesburg Municipal Airport Galesburg, Illinois, United States
GBH PAGB Galbraith Lake Airport Galbraith Lake, Alaska, United States
GBJ TFFM Marie-Galante Airport (Les Bases) Grand-Bourg, Marie-Galante Island, Guadeloupe
GBK GFGK Gbangbatok Airport Gbangbatok, Sierra Leone
GBL YGBI South Goulburn Island Airport Goulburn Islands, Northern Territory, Australia
GBM Garbaharey Airport Garbaharey, Somalia
GBP YGAM Gamboola Airport Gamboola, Queensland, Australia
GBR KGBR Walter J. Koladza Airport Great Barrington, Massachusetts, United States
GBT OING Gorgan Airport Gorgan, Iran
GBU HSKG Khashm el Girba Airport Khashm el Girba, Sudan
GBV YGIB Gibb River Airport Gibb River, Western Australia, Australia
GBW YGIA Ginbata Airport Ginbata, Western Australia, Australia
GBZ NZGB Great Barrier Aerodrome Great Barrier Island, New Zealand
GCA Guacamayas Airport Guacamayas, Colombia
GCC KGCC Gillette-Campbell County Airport Gillette, Wyoming, United States
GCD Grand Coulee Dam Airport (FAA: 3W7) Electric City, Washington, United States
GCH OIAH Gachsaran Airport Gachsaran, Iran
GCI EGJB Guernsey Airport Guernsey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom
GCJ FAGC Grand Central Airport Johannesburg, South Africa
GCK KGCK Garden City Regional Airport Garden City, Kansas, United States
GCM MWCR Owen Roberts International Airport Grand Cayman, British Overseas Territory of Cayman Islands
GCN KGCN Grand Canyon National Park Airport Tusayan, Arizona, United States
GCW Grand Canyon West Airport (FAA: 1G4) Peach Springs, Arizona, United States
GCY KGCY Greeneville-Greene County Municipal Airport Greeneville, Tennessee, United States
GDA Gounda Airport Gounda, Central African Republic
GDC KGYH Donaldson Center Airport (FAA: GYH) Greenville, South Carolina, United States
GDD YGDN Gordon Downs Airport Gordon Downs, Western Australia, Australia
GDE HAGO Gode Airport Gode, Ethiopia
GDG UHBI Magdagachi Airport Magdagachi, Amur Oblast, Russia
GDH Golden Horn Lodge Seaplane Base (FAA: 3Z8) Golden Horn Lodge, Alaska, United States
GDI Gordil Airport Gordil, Central African Republic
GDJ FZWC Gandajika Airport Gandajika, Democratic Republic of the Congo
GDL MMGL Guadalajara International Airport (Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Int’l) Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
GDM KGDM Gardner Municipal Airport Gardner, Massachusetts, United States
GDN EPGD Gdańsk Lech Wałęsa Airport Gdańsk, Poland
GDO SVGD Guasdualito Airport (Vare Maria Airport) Guasdualito, Venezuela
GDP SNGD Guadalupe Airport Guadalupe, Piauí, Brazil
GDQ HAGN Gondar Airport (Atse Tewodros Airport) Gondar, Ethiopia
GDT MBGT JAGS McCartney International Airport (Grand Turk Int’l) Grand Turk Island, British Overseas Territory of Turks and Caicos Islands
GDV KGDV Dawson Community Airport Glendive, Montana, United States
GDW KGDW Gladwin Zettel Memorial Airport Gladwin, Michigan, United States
GDX UHMM Sokol Airport Magadan, Magadan Oblast, Russia
GDZ URKG Gelendzhik Airport Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Krai, Russia
GEA NWWM Nouméa Magenta Airport Nouméa, New Caledonia
GEB WAMJ Gebe Airport Gebe, Indonesia
GEC Geçitkale Air Base Geçitkale, Northern Cyprus
GED KGED Delaware Coastal Airport Georgetown, Delaware, United States
GEE YGTO George Town Aerodrome George Town, Tasmania, Australia
GEF AGEV Geva Airport Liangai, Vella Lavella, Solomon Islands
GEG KGEG Spokane International Airport Spokane, Washington, United States
GEL SBNM Sepé Tiaraju Airport Santo Ângelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
GEM FGMY President Obiang Nguema International Airport Mengomeyén, Equatorial Guinea
GEO SYCJ Cheddi Jagan International Airport Georgetown, Guyana
GER MUNG Rafael Cabrera Mustelier Airport Nueva Gerona, Cuba
GES RPMR General Santos International Airport (Tambler Airport) General Santos, Philippines
GET YGEL Geraldton Airport Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia
GEV ESNG Gällivare Airport Gällivare, Sweden
GEW AYGC Gewoia Airport Gewoia, Papua New Guinea
GEX YGLG Geelong Airport Geelong, Victoria, Australia
GEY KGEY South Big Horn County Airport Greybull, Wyoming, United States
GFD KGFD Pope Field Greenfield, Indiana, United States
GFE Grenfell Airport Grenfell, New South Wales, Australia
GFF YGTH Griffith Airport Griffith, New South Wales, Australia
GFK KGFK Grand Forks International Airport Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States
GFL KGFL Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport Glens Falls, New York, United States
GFN YGFN Clarence Valley Regional Airport Grafton, New South Wales, Australia
GFO SYBT Bartica Airport Bartica, Guyana
GFR LFRF Granville-Mont-Saint-Michel Aerodrome Granville, Lower Normandy, France
GFY FYGF Grootfontein Air Base Grootfontein, Namibia
GGC Lumbala N’guimbo Airport Lumbala N’guimbo, Angola
GGD YGDS Gregory Downs Airport Gregory Downs, Queensland, Australia
GGE KGGE Georgetown County Airport Georgetown, South Carolina, United States
GGG KGGG East Texas Regional Airport Longview, Texas, United States
GGL Gilgal Airport Gilgal, Colombia
GGM HKKG Kakamega Airport Kakamega, Kenya
GGN DIGA Gagnoa Airport Gagnoa, Ivory Coast
GGO DIGL Guiglo Airport Guiglo, Ivory Coast
GGR Garowe International Airport Garowe, Somalia
GGS SAWR Gobernador Gregores Airport Gobernador Gregores, Santa Cruz, Argentina
GGT MYEF Exuma International Airport Moss Town, Great Exuma Island, Bahamas
GGW KGGW Glasgow Airport (Wokal Field) Glasgow, Montana, United States
GHA DAUG Noumérat — Moufdi Zakaria Airport Ghardaïa, Algeria
GHB MYEM Governor’s Harbour Airport Governor’s Harbour, Eleuthera Island, Bahamas
GHC MYBG Great Harbour Cay Airport Great Harbour Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas
GHE Garachiné Airport Garachiné, Panama
GHF ETEU Giebelstadt Airport Giebelstadt, Bavaria, Germany
GHK Gahcho Kue Aerodrome (TC: CGK2) Kennedy Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada
GHM KGHM Centerville Municipal Airport Centerville, Tennessee, United States
GHN ZUGH Guanghan Airport Guanghan, Sichuan, China
GHT HLGT Ghat Airport Ghat, Libya
GHU SAAG Gualeguaychú Airport Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, Argentina
GIB LXGB Gibraltar International Airport (North Front Airport) British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar
GIC YBOI Boigu Island Airport Boigu Island, Queensland, Australia
GID HBBE Gitega Airport Gitega, Burundi
GIF KGIF Winter Haven’s Gilbert Airport Winter Haven, Florida, United States
GIG SBGL Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
GII GUSI Siguiri Airport Siguiri, Guinea
GIL OPGT Gilgit Airport Gilgit, Pakistan
GIM Miele Mimbale Airport Miele Mimbale, Gabon
GIR SKGI Santiago Vila Airport Girardot, Colombia
GIS NZGS Gisborne Airport Gisborne, New Zealand
GIT Geita Airport Geita, Tanzania
GIU VCCS Sigiriya Airport Dambulla, Sri Lanka
GIY FAGI Giyani Airport Giyani, South Africa
GIZ OEGN Jizan Regional Airport (King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Airport) Jizan, Saudi Arabia
GJA MHNJ Guanaja Airport Guanaja, Honduras
GJL DAAV Jijel Ferhat Abbas Airport Jijel, Algeria
GJM SBGM Guajará-Mirim Airport Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia, Brazil
GJR BIGJ Gjögur Airport Gjögur, Iceland
GJT KGJT Grand Junction Regional Airport (Walker Field) Grand Junction, Colorado, United States
GKA AYGA Goroka Airport Goroka, Papua New Guinea
GKD LTFK Gökçeada Airport Gökçeada, Turkey
GKE ETNG NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen Geilenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
GKH VNGK Palungtar Airport Gorkha, Nepal
GKK VRMO Kooddoo Airport Kooddoo, Gaafu Alif Atoll, Maldives
GKL YGKL Great Keppel Island Airport Great Keppel Island, Queensland, Australia
GKN PAGK Gulkana Airport Gulkana, Alaska, United States
GKO Kongo Boumba Airport Kongo Boumba, Gabon
GKT KGKT Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge Airport Sevierville, Tennessee, United States
GLA EGPF Glasgow Airport Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
GLB San Carlos Apache Airport (FAA: P13) Globe, Arizona, United States
GLC Geladi Airport Geladi, Ethiopia
GLD KGLD Goodland Municipal Airport (Renner Field) Goodland, Kansas, United States
GLE KGLE Gainesville Municipal Airport Gainesville, Texas, United States
GLF MRGF Golfito Airport Golfito, Costa Rica
GLG YGLE Glengyle Airport Glengyle, Queensland, Australia
GLH KGLH Mid-Delta Regional Airport Greenville, Mississippi, United States
GLI YGLI Glen Innes Airport Glen Innes, New South Wales, Australia
GLK HCMR Abdullahi Yusuf International Airport Galkayo, Somalia
GLL ENKL Gol Airport, Klanten Gol, Norway
GLM YGLO Glenormiston Airport Glenormiston, Queensland, Australia
GLN Guelmim Airport Guelmim, Morocco
GLO EGBJ Gloucestershire Airport Gloucester — Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom
GLP AYUP Gulgubip Airport Gulgubip, Papua New Guinea
GLR KGLR Gaylord Regional Airport Gaylord, Michigan, United States
GLS KGLS Scholes International Airport at Galveston Galveston, Texas, United States
GLT YGLA Gladstone Airport Gladstone, Queensland, Australia
GLU VQGP Gelephu Airport Gelephu, Bhutan
GLV PAGL Golovin Airport Golovin, Alaska, United States
GLW KGLW Glasgow Municipal Airport Glasgow, Kentucky, United States
GLX WAMA Gamarmalamo Airport Galela, Indonesia
GLY Goldsworthy Airport Goldsworthy, Western Australia, Australia
GLZ EHGR Gilze-Rijen Air Base Breda, Netherlands
GMA FZFK Gemena Airport Gemena, Democratic Republic of the Congo
GMB HAGM Gambela Airport Gambela, Ethiopia
GMC Guerima Airport Guerima, Colombia
GMD GMMB Ben Slimane Airport Ben Slimane, Morocco
GME UMGG Gomel Airport Gomel, Belarus
GMI AYGT Gasmata Airport Gasmata, Papua New Guinea
GMM FCOG Gamboma Airport Gamboma, Republic of the Congo
GMN NZGM Greymouth Airport Greymouth, New Zealand
GMO DNGO Gombe Lawanti International Airport Gombe, Nigeria
GMP RKSS Gimpo International Airport Seoul, South Korea
GMQ ZLGL Golog Maqin Airport Golog, Qinghai, China
GMR NTGJ Totegegie Airport (Gambier Island Airport) Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
GMS SNGM Guimarães Airport Guimarães, Maranhão, Brazil
GMT PAGZ Granite Mountain Air Station (FAA: GSZ) Granite Mountain, Alaska, United States
GMU KGMU Greenville Downtown Airport Greenville, South Carolina, United States
GMV Monument Valley Airport (FAA: UT25) Monument Valley, Utah, United States
GMZ GCGM La Gomera Airport La Gomera — Canary Islands, Spain
GNA UMMG Grodno Airport Grodno, Belarus
GNB LFLS Grenoble-Isère Airport Grenoble, Rhône-Alpes, France
GND TGPY Maurice Bishop International Airport St. George’s, Grenada
GNF Gansner Field (FAA: 2O1) Quincy, California, United States
GNG KGNG Gooding Municipal Airport Gooding, Idaho, United States
GNI RCGI Lyudao Airport (Green Island Airport) Lyudao (Green Island), Taiwan
GNM SNGI Guanambi Airport Guanambi, Bahia, Brazil
GNN HAGH Ginir Airport Ginir, Ethiopia
GNR SAHR Dr. Arturo Umberto Illia Airport General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina
GNS WIMB Binaka Airport Gunungsitoli, Indonesia
GNT KGNT Grants-Milan Municipal Airport Grants, New Mexico, United States
GNU Goodnews Airport Goodnews Bay, Alaska, United States
GNV KGNV Gainesville Regional Airport Gainesville, Florida, United States
GNY LTCS Şanlıurfa GAP Airport Şanlıurfa, Turkey
GNZ FBGZ Ghanzi Airport Ghanzi, Botswana
GOA LIMJ Genoa Cristoforo Colombo Airport Genoa, Liguria, Italy
GOB HAGB Robe Airport Goba, Ethiopia
GOC AYGX Gora Airport Gora, Papua New Guinea
GOE Gonaili Airstrip Gonaili, Papua New Guinea
GOG FYGB Gobabis Airport Gobabis, Namibia
GOH BGGH Nuuk Airport Nuuk, Greenland
GOI VOGO Goa International Airport (Dabolim Airport) Dabolim, Goa, India
GOJ UWGG Nizhny Novgorod International Airport (Strigino Airport) Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia
GOK KGOK Guthrie-Edmond Regional Airport Guthrie, Oklahoma, United States
GOL Gold Beach Municipal Airport (FAA: 4S1) Gold Beach, Oregon, United States
GOM FZNA Goma International Airport Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo
GON KGON Groton-New London Airport Groton — New London, Connecticut, United States
GOO YGDI Goondiwindi Airport Goondiwindi, Queensland, Australia
GOP VEGK Gorakhpur Airport Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
GOQ ZLGM Golmud Airport Golmud, Qinghai, China
GOR HAGR Gore Airport Gore, Ethiopia
GOS Gosford Airport Gosford, New South Wales, Australia
GOT ESGG Göteborg Landvetter Airport Gothenburg, Sweden
GOU FKKR Garoua International Airport Garoua, Cameroon
GOV YPGV Gove Airport Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
GOZ LBGO Gorna Oryahovitsa Airport Gorna Oryahovitsa, Bulgaria
GPA LGRX Araxos Airport Patras, Greece
GPB SBGU Tancredo Thomas de Faria Airport Guarapuava, Paraná, Brazil
GPD YGON Mount Gordon Airport Mount Gordon Mine, Queensland, Australia
GPI SKGP Guapi Airport (Juan Casiano Airport) Guapi, Colombia
GPL MRGP Guápiles Airport Guápiles, Costa Rica
GPN YGPT Garden Point Airport Pularumpi, Northern Territory, Australia
GPO SAZG General Pico Airport General Pico, La Pampa, Argentina
GPS SEGS Seymour Airport Baltra Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
GPT KGPT Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport Gulfport — Biloxi, Mississippi, United States
GPZ KGPZ Grand Rapids-Itasca County Airport (Gordon Newstrom Field) Grand Rapids, Minnesota, United States
GQQ KGQQ Galion Municipal Airport Galion, Ohio, United States
GRA Gamarra Airport Gamarra, Colombia
GRB KGRB Austin Straubel International Airport Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States
GRC Grand Cess Airport Grand Cess, Liberia
GRD KGRD Greenwood County Airport Greenwood, South Carolina, United States
GRE KGRE Greenville Airport Greenville, Illinois, United States
GRF KGRF Gray Army Airfield Tacoma, Washington, United States
GRG OAGZ Gardez Airport Gardez, Afghanistan
GRH Garuahi Airport Garuahi, Papua New Guinea
GRI KGRI Central Nebraska Regional Airport Grand Island, Nebraska, United States
GRJ FAGG George Airport George, South Africa
GRK KGRK Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Airport — Robert Gray Army Airfield Fort Hood — Killeen, Texas, United States
GRL AYGG Garasa Airport Garasa, Papua New Guinea
GRM KCKC Grand Marais — Cook County Airport (FAA: CKC) Grand Marais, Minnesota, United States
GRN KGRN Gordon Municipal Airport Gordon, Nebraska, United States
GRO LEGE Girona-Costa Brava Airport Girona, Catalonia, Spain
GRP SWGI Gurupi Airport Gurupi, Tocantins, Brazil
GRQ EHGG Groningen Airport Eelde Groningen, Netherlands
GRR KGRR Gerald R. Ford International Airport Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
GRS LIRS Grosseto Airport Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy
GRT Gujrat Airport Gujrat, Pakistan
GRU SBGR São Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport São Paulo, Brazil
GRV URMG Grozny Airport Grozny, Chechnya, Russia
GRW LPGR Graciosa Airport Graciosa, Azores, Portugal
GRX LEGR Federico García Lorca Airport (Granada Jaén Airport) Granada, Andalusia, Spain
GRY BIGR Grímsey Airport Grímsey, Iceland
GRZ LOWG Graz Airport Graz, Austria
GSA WBKN Long Pasia Airport Long Pasia, Sabah, Malaysia
GSB KGSB Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States
GSC YGSC Gascoyne Junction Airport Gascoyne Junction, Western Australia, Australia
GSE ESGP Göteborg City Airport Gothenburg, Sweden
GSH KGSH Goshen Municipal Airport Goshen, Indiana, United States
GSI SOGS Grand-Santi Airport Grand-Santi, French Guiana
GSJ MGSJ San José Airport Puerto San José, Guatemala
GSL Taltheilei Narrows Airport (TC: CFA7) Taltheilei Narrows, Northwest Territories, Canada
GSM OIKQ Dayrestan Airport (Qeshm International Airport) Qeshm, Iran
GSN YMGN Mount Gunson Airport Mount Gunson, South Australia, Australia
GSO KGSO Piedmont Triad International Airport Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
GSP KGSP Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport Greenville — Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States
GSQ HEOW Sharq Al-Owainat Airport Sharq Al-Owainat, Egypt
GSR HCMG Qardho Airport Qardho, Somalia
GSS Sabi Sabi Airport Sabie, South Africa
GST PAGS Gustavus Airport Gustavus, Alaska, United States
GSU HSGF Azaza Airport Gedaref, Sudan
GTA AGOK Gatokae Aerodrome Gatokae, Solomon Islands
GTE YGTE Groote Eylandt Airport Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia
GTF KGTF Great Falls International Airport Great Falls, Montana, United States
GTG KGTG Grantsburg Municipal Airport Grantsburg, Wisconsin, United States
GTI EDCG Rügen Airport (Güttin Airfield) Güttin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
GTN NZGT Glentanner Aerodrome Mount Cook, New Zealand
GTO WAMG Jalaluddin Airport Gorontalo, Indonesia
GTP Grants Pass Airport (FAA: 3S8) Grants Pass, Oregon, United States
GTR KGTR Golden Triangle Regional Airport Columbus — West Point — Starkville, Mississippi, United States
GTS YTGT The Granites Airport The Granites, Northern Territory, Australia
GTT YGTN Georgetown Airport Georgetown, Queensland, Australia
GTW LKHO Holešov Airport Zlín, Czech Republic
GTY Gettysburg Regional Airport (FAA: W05) Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, United States
GTZ Kirawira B Airstrip Grumeti, Tanzania
GUA MGGT La Aurora International Airport Guatemala City, Guatemala
GUB MMGR Guerrero Negro Airport Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico
GUC KGUC Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional Airport Gunnison, Colorado, United States
GUD GAGM Goundam Airport Goundam, Mali
GUE Guriaso Airport Guriaso, Papua New Guinea
GUF KJKA Jack Edwards Airport (FAA: JKA) Gulf Shores, Alabama, United States
GUG AYGF Guari Airport Guari, Papua New Guinea
GUH YGDH Gunnedah Airport Gunnedah, New South Wales, Australia
GUI SVGI Güiria Airport Güiria, Venezuela
GUJ SBGW Guaratinguetá Airport Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, Brazil
GUL YGLB Goulburn Airport Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia
GUM PGUM Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport (Guam Int’l) Hagåtña, Guam
GUP KGUP Gallup Municipal Airport Gallup, New Mexico, United States
GUQ SVGU Guanare Airport Guanare, Venezuela
GUR AYGN Gurney Airport Alotau, Papua New Guinea
GUS KGUS Grissom Air Reserve Base Peru, Indiana, United States
GUT ETUO RAF Gütersloh Gütersloh, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
GUU BIGF Grundarfjörður Airport Grundarfjörður, Iceland
GUV AYML Mougulu Airport Mougulu, Papua New Guinea
GUW UATG Atyrau Airport Atyrau, Kazakhstan
GUX VAGN Guna Airport Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India
GUY KGUY Guymon Municipal Airport Guymon, Oklahoma, United States
GUZ SNGA Guarapari Airport Guarapari, Espírito Santo, Brazil
GVA LSGG Geneva Airport Geneva, Switzerland
GVE KGVE Gordonsville Municipal Airport Gordonsville, Virginia, United States
GVI AYGV Green River Airport Green River, Papua New Guinea
GVL KGVL Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport Gainesville, Georgia, United States
GVN UHKM Sovetskaya Gavan Airport Sovetskaya Gavan, Khabarovsk Krai, Russia
GVP YGNV Greenvale Airport Greenvale, Queensland, Australia
GVR SBGV Coronel Altino Machado de Oliveira Airport Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil
GVT KGVT Majors Airport Greenville, Texas, United States
GVX ESSK Gävle-Sandviken Airport Gävle, Sweden
GWA VYGW Gwa Airport Gwa, Myanmar
GWD OPGD Gwadar International Airport Gwadar, Pakistan
GWE FVTL Thornhill Air Base Gweru, Zimbabwe
GWL VIGR Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindia Airport (Gwalior Airport) Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
GWN Gnarowein Airport Gnarowein, Papua New Guinea
GWO KGWO Greenwood-Leflore Airport Greenwood, Mississippi, United States
GWS KGWS Glenwood Springs Municipal Airport Glenwood Springs, Colorado, United States
GWT EDXW Sylt Airport (Westerland Airport) Sylt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
GWV Glendale Fokker Field (FAA: WV66) Glen Dale, West Virginia, United States
GWY EICM Galway Airport Galway, Ireland
GXF OYSY Sayun Airport Sayun, Yemen
GXG FNNG Negage Airport Negage, Angola
GXH ZLXH Gannan Xiahe Airport Xiahe, Gansu, China
GXQ SCCY Teniente Vidal Airfield Coyhaique, Chile
GXX FKKJ Yagoua Airport Yagoua, Cameroon
GXY KGXY Greeley-Weld County Airport Greeley, Colorado, United States
GYA SLGY Guayaramerín Airport Guayaramerín, Bolivia
GYD UBBB Heydar Aliyev International Airport Baku, Azerbaijan
GYE SEGU José Joaquín de Olmedo International Airport Guayaquil, Ecuador
GYG UEMM Magan Airport Magan, Yakutia, Russia
GYI HRYG Gisenyi Airport Gisenyi, Rwanda
GYL YARG Argyle Airport Argyle, Western Australia, Australia
GYM MMGM General José María Yáñez International Airport Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico
GYN SBGO Santa Genoveva Airport Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
GYP YGYM Gympie Airport Gympie, Queensland, Australia
GYR KGYR Phoenix Goodyear Airport Goodyear, Arizona, United States
GYS ZUGU Guangyuan Panlong Airport Guangyuan, Sichuan, China
GYU ZLGY Guyuan Liupanshan Airport Guyuan, Ningxia, China
GYY KGYY Gary/Chicago International Airport Gary, Indiana (near Chicago, IL), United States
GZA LVGZ Yasser Arafat International Airport Gaza, Palestine
GZI OAGN Ghazni Airport Ghazni, Afghanistan
GZO AGGN Nusatupe Airport Gizo, Western Province, Solomon Islands
GZP LTFG Gazipaşa-Alanya Airport Gazipaşa, Turkey
GZT LTAJ Gaziantep Oğuzeli International Airport Gaziantep, Turkey
GZW OIIK Qazvin Airport Qazvin, Iran